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En colaboracion con un colega, ubicado en Granada como nosotros, le podemos ofrecer ahora tambien alquiler de sedan con caja automatica. Los modelos son Toyota Corolla y Nissan Versa. La tarifa es desde U$35/dia. Similar a nuestros propios vehiculos de double traccion las tarifas de los sedan ya incluyen seguro 'full cover'. La combinacion del tamano del carro, la cobertura del seguro y la tarifa es una oferta muy competitiva.
In collaboration with a colleague, located in Granada like us, we now also offer you the rental of sedans with automatic transmission. The models are Toyota Corolla and Nissan Versa. The rate is starting at $35/day. However, around the Holy Week and Christmas the rate maybe higher. Similar to our own 4WD vehicles the sedan rates already include 'full cover' insurance. The combination of car size, insurance coverage and rate makes it a very competitive offer.
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